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Johnnie Walker 18 Yo Gold Reserve • Yuzu • Toasted Agave Nectar 

Meet the Artist

Nick Azidis
Nick Azidis

Nick Azidis is a new media artist and projection illusionist specialising in large- scale projections in both digital and analogue mediums. Beginning as a painter in the late ‘80s to late ‘90s, Azidis turned to projection art as a way to create ‘leave no trace artworks', which he has been making for 30 years. There is a direct link between the content Azidis creates in his projections and his painted works, yet it could be argued the impermanent nature of projecting art only adds to its ephemeral beauty.

He has compiled a diverse body of work over three decades as a producer, content developer/creator and technician. Azidis is interested in storytelling and creating eternal memories and aesthetically beautiful pieces that transform a viewer’s perception of their surroundings with a blanket of luminescent designs.

The Inspiration

I have taken inspiration from the fractal elements and geometric design with the patterns on the glassware, including the colours in the ENVY cocktail itself, which plays with the viewer's perception in shape and form.

The immersive installation painted work is also overlaid with video projection mapping treatments that create an optical illusion and geometric transformations which make the work come alive, visually surrounding the viewer as they walk into and through the space.

I’m forever curious and interested in the mystery of how much human physical and mental well-being relies on the quality of our relationship with the natural world, and how patterns and structures make us think about the world we live in. Humans tend to see patterns everywhere, we are surrounded by them, and when we see and discover a pattern for the first time, it can even change our life, when we experience and discover new visual sensors and new exotic tastes.